Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Entertainment in the midst of Waiting

Jared Wong blows bubbles to entertain a child waiting for surgery.

Remember waiting at the doctor's office when you were young.  Not only did it take a long time, but you were uncertain what kind of pain awaited you.  When you add a prolonged fast on top of the waiting, a little distraction can help.  Blowing bubbles is a quick and easy way to distract them.  When a child starts to get wrong, someone grabs the bubble jar and fills the air creating instant delight and the necessary distraction.
The same thing happens out front and outside the gate.  People wait outside the gate to get into the triage area and then they wait in the triage area.  Food vendors have set up inside and outside the gate to take care of the needs of the people as they wait, but waiting is the key word. The people are very gracious in their waiting and thankful when they have been cared for.  It is not the thing that you often see in the U.S.:  people graciously waiting.  I am reminded of how different the attitudes of people were that came to San Antonio after hurricane Katrina.

Triage Line

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